The Director General of Police (DGP) Anjani Kumar attended The HANS Marathon in Gachibowli stadium on World Suicide Prevention Day. He emphasized that life is a valuable gift and one bad chapter does not mean life is over. The DGP encouraged everyone to overcome challenges and help each other. He praised The Hans India for organizing the event and commended all the athletes, especially the elder participants who set an example for society.
Challa Nageshwar Rao from TCS, who also attended the event, expressed gratitude to The Hans India and Hmtv for organizing the marathon. He stated that TCS is ready to support noble causes and thanked them for the opportunity to participate. Rao emphasized the importance of active intervention in preventing suicides and suggested identifying vulnerable individuals and providing support during critical moments.
Hmtv and Hans India MD K Hanumantha Rao expressed satisfaction with the success of the event and thanked the police officials, including the DGP, and the traffic wing for their support. He acknowledged that the event’s success was due to the participants’ efforts.