The Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) faces a tough challenge in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections in the four GHMC constituencies due to party leaders defecting to the Congress and the increasing strength of the BJP in Hyderabad. The GHMC voters are spread across Hyderabad, Secunderabad, Malkajgiri, and Chevella.
While the MIM has a stronghold in Hyderabad, the BRS has won a majority of Assembly constituencies in other GHMC segments. However, with the Congress in power in the State, doubts have arisen about the BRS’s chances. Many BRS leaders have already joined the Congress, and more may follow suit in the future.
The BJP’s growth in urban areas is also a concern for the BRS, as voters who previously supported them now lean towards Modi in the Lok Sabha polls. The Ram temple issue is also expected to influence voter decisions.
In the Chevella LS segment, the BRS won four out of seven seats in the last election, while the Congress secured the other three. The competition is expected to be tough this time, especially with Konda Vishweshwar Reddy (formerly with Congress, now with BJP) challenging the BRS candidate.
In Malkajgiri, all seven constituencies were won by the BRS last time, but recent defections to the Congress have raised questions about their prospects. In Secunderabad, the BRS won several seats in the last elections, but BJP’s G Kishan Reddy emerged victorious overall. The BRS will need a solid strategy to replicate their Assembly success in the Lok Sabha polls.