Hyderabad: Deputy Chief Minister Bhatti Vikramarka highlighted the achievements of the current Congress government, emphasizing its focus on a people-centric approach. He contrasted this with the governance style of the previous regime, which he criticized for being disconnected from the public.
Speaking at a public event, Bhatti Vikramarka remarked, “While the previous government isolated itself from the people, our government is committed to being accessible. Not only are the ministers actively engaging with the public, but the Chief Minister himself is making efforts to connect directly with the people.”
The Deputy Chief Minister also stressed the government’s dedication to improving key sectors like education and healthcare. He said, “We are giving top priority to improving education and healthcare services, ensuring that these sectors receive the attention they deserve.”
One of the major accomplishments highlighted by Vikramarka was the creation of jobs for the youth. He shared, “Under Congress rule, we have already provided 59,000 jobs to the youth. Additionally, after years of anticipation, we have successfully conducted exams for Group-1 recruitment, offering a long-awaited opportunity to aspirants.”
Vikramarka concluded by reaffirming the government’s commitment to addressing the needs of the people. He emphasized their focus on creating more employment opportunities and continuing to improve public services.