Deputy CM Bhatti Vikramarka Mallu spoke out against the rape of Eswaramma, a Chenchu tribal woman from Kolhapur mandal of Nagar-Kurnool district. He visited the victim’s family at NIMS Hospital and held a press conference with local minister Jupalli to condemn the incident.
Minister Jupalli Krishna Rao shared that Eswaramma received medical care at Nagar Kurnool Hospital before being transferred to NIMS Hospital for better treatment. He also mentioned that the Chief Minister has been informed about the situation and steps are being taken to ensure justice for Eswaramma.
Deputy CM Bhatti Vikramarka assured the public that the government will cover all costs for Eswaramma’s medical treatment until she fully recovers. He also promised that if the victim and her children have no home, the children will be provided education at an ashram school and efforts will be made to secure agricultural land for their cultivation.