Telangana Deputy CM Bhatti Vikramarka Mallu talked about the need for officials to visit different places to solve public issues. He was worried that some districts were not doing a good job with the government’s welfare programs.
Deputy CM Bhatti Vikramarka Mallu suggested raising the Arogyasree scheme limit to 10 lakhs, giving free bus rides to women on RTC buses, providing 200 units of free electricity, and offering gas cylinders at a lower price of 500 rupees. He wanted collectors to make sure that everyone who qualifies for these benefits gets them.
He also mentioned how important it is for the government to show people that they care about their needs. He said collectors are vital in connecting the government and the public.
Deputy CM Bhatti Vikramarka Mallu believed that many problems could be fixed quickly if collectors visit places regularly. He stressed the need to address public concerns promptly and effectively to keep trust and accountability in the government.