A police officer in Nidmanoor of Nalgonda district is accused of demanding a bribe of Rs 2 lakh. Victims of the alleged bribery reached out to District SP Apoorva Rao on WhatsApp to complain about SI Shobhan Babu. This happened after Nidamanur police registered a case against Dubbakula Ramireddy, Kushalava Reddy, and Vemula Siddhartha Reddy. The case was filed following a complaint by Munagala Padma about a clash between two families in Naramma Gudem. Ramireddy’s son, Purushottam Reddy alias Rikki Reddy, who is an NRI, requested that SI Sobhan Babu remove the names of Kushalava Reddy and Siddhartha Reddy from the case.
During a Whatsapp chat, the SI allegedly demanded Rs 2 lakh to help them. However, when Rikki Reddy said they could only afford up to Rs 20,000, the SI reportedly declined, saying it was only a tip. The police later arrested all three persons. The family of Rikki Reddy filed a complaint with the District SP, providing the Whatsapp chat as evidence.
In a media conference, Shobhan Babu denied the allegations against him. He claimed that someone created fake WhatsApp chat to damage his reputation. He also stated that he would report the matter to the cybercrime wing and was willing to face any investigations.