The Delhi Capitals are considering releasing players from their squad for the upcoming IPL 2023 season. They have already called in uncapped players Abhimanyu Easwaran and Priyam Garg for trials due to the poor performance of their domestic batters. The team’s maximum squad strength is 25 and they currently have the maximum squad strength.
The DC management is even considering red-ball specialists like Easwaran due to the poor form of Prithvi Shaw, Yash Dhull, and Lalit Yadav. However, it is not known whether they will replace any current players. The only player with an injury concern is Khaleel Ahmed, but the team expects him to recover in time.
Easwaran has only played 27 T20 domestic games in his 10-year career, and his strike rate of 121 as an opener is not impressive. Garg has two seasons of IPL experience, but his average of 17 and strike rate of 115 over 44 T20 games is also not noteworthy. Both players had gone unsold in past seasons and were released by their previous teams.
The Delhi Capitals are under pressure to improve their performance in the upcoming season after their disappointing performance in the previous season.