Telangana State Planning Board vice-chairman B Vinod Kumar criticized the Centre for the delayed formation of the Krishna Tribunal. He specifically called out BJP leaders Bandi Sanjay and Kishan Reddy for speaking without understanding the facts.
According to Kumar, the Union Cabinet decided to report an additional Term of Reference (TOR) to the Brijesh Kumar Tribunal, which is currently addressing the River Water Disputes Act. This decision took nine years to come to fruition and was unfortunately announced right before the elections.
Kumar pointed out that Kishan and Bandi were falsely claiming that the delay in forming the Krishna Water Tribunal was due to the negligence of the State government. He emphasized that both BJP leaders were unaware of the State government’s continuous struggle and Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao’s efforts to resolve the Krishna water distribution issue.
Kumar celebrated the decision as a significant victory for Telangana, attributing it to KCR’s persistence. He also mentioned that the State government had previously communicated with the Centre multiple times regarding the dispute.