Adluri Laxman Kumar, who was born into a labourer’s family in Singareni, faced many struggles growing up. Despite this, he became an MLA for the Congress party from Dharmapuri constituency. Laxman Kumar started his political career with the Congress party and held various positions within the party, such as president of Godavarikhani Junior College NSUI and general secretary of NSUI Karimnagar.
In 2006, he ran for ZPTC from Dharmaram (SC) reserved seat and won. However, he lost the MLA election in 1999 from Medaram constituency. Laxman Kumar also served as the chairman of Karimnagar ZP from 2010 to 2012. Despite facing defeats in some elections, he continued to work hard and eventually won as a Congress MLA from Dharmapuri constituency in the 2023 Assembly election.
After winning the election, Laxman Kumar was appointed as the Government Whip on December 15, 2023. He is now focused on developing his constituency with the support of Peddapalli MP Gaddam Vamsikrishna and Ministers Ponnam Prabhakar and Duddilla Sridhar Babu.