The Delhi Police made a gruesome discovery on Wednesday when they found the chopped body of a woman near the Geeta Colony flyover. The police started an investigation after finding scattered body parts in the same area. Local residents reported the incident to the police around 9:15 am.
Paramaditya, the Joint Commissioner of Police for the Central Range, provided some details about the discovery. Two black polythene bags were found, one containing the head of the body and the other containing various body parts. Based on initial findings, it is believed that the presence of long hair suggests that the deceased is likely a woman due to decomposition. The body will be sent for post-mortem to gather more information and remains unidentified for now. The police are unsure about the exact number of body parts found and if any are missing.
The investigation is ongoing, and the police have not yet identified the victim. This incident is part of a series of similar cases where victims’ bodies have been dismembered after their murders. These cases have been reported over the past few months. In March of this year, a construction site near Sarai Kale Khan ISBT experienced a similar discovery. Four dismembered body parts, including a severely decomposed skull, a wrist with fingers, two additional bones, and a bunch of long hair, were found packed inside a plastic bag.