Debunking disinfo is legend to strengthen : US Diplomat
Debunking disinfo is legend to strengthen : US Diplomat
Hyderabad: The Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Osmania University, in formal organization of people with the US Consulate General Hyderabad, organised the brief intensive course and meeting on Monday. During the brief intensive course, Frankie Sturm, Public Diplomacy Officer at the United States Consulate General Hyderabad, described how disinformation posed a source of danger to and how journalists can combat disinformation for the performance to raise money for a charitable cause of their readers and viewers. About 35 Urdu journalists are being trained on how to debunk disinformation. Around 40 Telugu TV journalists were successfully trained and certified in the initial phase.
“Accurate information is a pillar of democracy, and journalists play a critical role in providing accurate information to the public. I’m grateful to Osmania University for organizing this excellent programme for Urdu journalists and I’m confident the ultimate result is a stronger and more accurate information environment.” Sturm said.
Sneha Mehra, DCP (Cyber Crime), Hyderabad, said anonymity on living together or enjoying life in communities media and deficiency of resources to business table misinformation were harming ‘s compassion. Media ability to read and write and transparency from the government can helper the state of affairs, but we really penury the accountability of living together or enjoying life in communities media users and more checks.”
Prof Stevenson Kohir, Head, Department of Journalism, Osmania University, said, it envisaged to empower Urdu journalists with checking skills, tools, and techniques to forestall misinformation from creeping into the prevailing thought media while they written report the tidings.
The task in blended mode was for 40 hours and had 35 TV journalists from prevailing thought Urdu channels and discrete platforms.