Candidates for the EAPCET Agriculture and Pharmacy stream in Hyderabad geared up to write their exams at the TCS iON digital zone. In the morning session, 90.41% of candidates attended the exam across 82 centers in Telangana and 63 in Andhra Pradesh. About 30,288 students out of 33,500 appeared in the morning session, while approximately 30,571 students out of 33,505 appeared in the evening session.
Professor R Limbadri and Burra Venkatesham visited test centers in Hyderabad and observed that the exams were conducted smoothly. The EAPCET Engineering exam will continue for three more days on May 9, 10, and 11. The exam has morning and evening sessions from 9 am to 12 pm and 3 pm to 6 pm, respectively.
Some students shared their opinions about the exam. Mohan, a candidate, mentioned that it was his first competitive, computer-based exam and was initially nervous but found the questions to be easy. Utham, another candidate, expressed confidence in cracking the exam as the questions were from the intermediate syllabus that they had prepared for.