Revolutionary balladeer Gaddar’s wife Vimala has said that the Congress party had promised a ticket to their family to contest from the Secunderabad Cantonment. However, the party is now staying silent on the matter. The family, who has the support of local residents, is demanding clarity from the State Congress regarding the ticket issue. Gaddar’s daughter Vennela expressed that her father wanted to contest the election and if the Congress party gives them a ticket, they are ready to compete. Otherwise, they will announce their future plans soon. Gaddar passed away on August 6 at the age of 74 after a brief illness.
Congress leaders Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi, and Priyanka Gandhi visited Gaddar’s home to offer their condolences to his family.
Gaddar’s last major public appearance was on July 2 in Khammam, where he hugged Rahul Gandhi on stage. The Secunderabad Cantonment is a constituency reserved for the Scheduled Caste (SC).
Several leaders, including former MP Sarve Satyanarayana, are competing for the Congress ticket to contest from this constituency.