The Minister for Panchayat Raj and Rural Development, Errabelli Dayakar Rao, gave a car to singers Pastham Mogilaiah and his wife Komuramma as part of the Dalit Bandhu scheme in Warangal. The scheme is designed to empower Dalits in the state. The government aims to cover all Dalit families under the scheme within three years. The minister praised Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao for creating the scheme, which is unique in the country.
Mogilaiah is a singer who gained fame for his song in the Balagam movie. He is currently suffering from kidney failure, and the government is covering his medical expenses. Mogilaiah’s son Sudarshan, who works as a driver, will now own a car and use it to make a living. The couple expressed their gratitude towards the Chief Minister for his support during their financial difficulties.
Several other officials were present at the event, including TS Planning Commission vice-chairman Boinpally Vinod Kumar and local MLAs.