Members of TPCC’s SC Cell in Hyderabad burned an effigy of Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao on Sunday. They were protesting against his remarks about not fulfilling his promise of having a Dalit as the CM.
The protest was led by N Preetam, the chairman of TPCC’s SC Cell. The party activists burned the effigy while shouting slogans like ‘Dalit Drohi KCR’. This protest was in response to KCR’s statement in a national magazine where he admitted that he couldn’t keep his promise because others were not competent enough to run the government in the newly formed State.
On Saturday, the party had already strongly condemned KCR’s statement, considering it an insult to the Dalits. The party’s social media handle also urged people in the State to think before voting for KCR, as he was disrespecting the community.