Hyderabad is set to host a cyclothon on Sunday with the theme ‘Pedal for the Planet’. The event is being organized by Rashtrapati Nilayam in collaboration with the Hyderabad Cyclist group. Nearly 850 participants have already registered for the cyclothon, which is supported by the National Mineral Development Corporation. The event aligns with the theme of World Environment Day this month.
The cyclothon will begin at 6 AM from Rashtrapati Nilayam, and participants will cycle along a designated route that stretches to ECIL X Roads. Former Indian badminton player Pullela Gopichand will be present at the event. Registration for the cyclothon will close on Saturday evening.
The aim of the event is to bring together cycling enthusiasts and environmental advocates to show their support for a greener planet. Participants will also have the opportunity to tour the historic Rashtrapati Nilayam after the cyclothon. This event is part of a larger vision by President Droupadi Murmu to increase citizen engagement and contributions to heritage and environmental preservation efforts.
Dr. K Rajani Priya, the manager of Rashtrapati Nilayam, mentioned that the venue is now open year-round for public visits. Citizens can book online tickets at https://visit.rashtrapatibhavan.gov.in/ to visit Rashtrapati Nilayam. The cyclothon is one of many community engagement events organized in the past year, with over 1.3 lakh visitors to date. It serves as a platform for citizens to actively promote sustainable practices while celebrating the cultural legacy of Rashtrapati Nilayam.