The chief minister of Gujarat, Bhupendra Patel, had a meeting to review the state’s readiness for the cyclonic storm Biparjoy. The Western Railway cancelled several trains between Gujarat and Mumbai due to the storm. The government has been evacuating people in coastal districts of Saurashtra and Kutch because the storm is expected to hit near Jakhau on Thursday evening with gusts up to 150 kmph and a speed of around 110 kmph. So far, almost 38,000 people living near the sea in eight districts of Gujarat have been evacuated, and the state government aims to evacuate people within 10 km from the shore.
Over 50 trains heading to coastal Gujarat have been short-terminated at Ahmedabad, Rajkot, and Surendranagar, and about 95 trains are proposed for cancellation between June 13 to June 15. The National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) is on standby, and helpdesks and 24X7 monitoring systems are being prepared for the landfall.