In preparation for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, a meeting was held under the guidance of Cyberabad Police Commissioner Avinash Mahanty. The meeting included Cyberabad Zonal DCPs, Additional DCPs, ACPs, and other officials. They discussed security arrangements and election protocols to ensure a smooth and disciplined electoral process.
Commissioner Mahanty stressed the importance of following Election Commission directives and conducting error-free elections. Measures such as setting up checkpoints to prevent illegal activities like money and liquor distribution were discussed. Plans to increase surveillance in areas prone to such activities were also highlighted.
Staff members were instructed on election rules and protocols through training sessions. Visible policing was deemed crucial for maintaining law and order during the elections. Officials were advised to secure polling centers under their jurisdiction and remain vigilant against any attempts to disrupt election duties.
Lessons from previous elections were reviewed to address challenges and maintain proactive security measures. Commissioner Mahanty emphasized constant vigilance and directed officials to focus on problematic areas. Various police officers including Cyberabad Joint CP Traffic D Joel Davies and Madhapur DCP Dr G Vineeth participated in the meeting.