In response to a rise in cybercrime cases, the Cyber Security Bureau of Telangana has taken proactive measures. The Cyber Security Bureau, along with the Commissioner of Police, Cyberabad Avinash Mohanty, IPS, provided new mobile phones and SIM cards to cyber warriors at all police stations in Cyberabad. This initiative aims to make it easier for victims to reach law enforcement by calling 1930.
The distribution of these devices took place at the Conference Hall, Cyberabad Commissionerate, showing a united effort to enhance cyber security measures. The goal is to combat the challenges posed by cyber-criminal activities and protect citizens. During the event, specific directives were given to the cyber warriors (Cybercrime PCs).
Cyber warriors are responsible for answering calls on the dedicated number provided by TSCSB and helping victims file complaints. They also handle status calls from 1930 and give updates on complaints politely. In addition, cyber warriors contact victims who report crimes on the NCRP Portal to gather information and offer guidance.
Cyber warriors guide victims through the process of reporting incidents on the National Cybercrime Reporting portal at They ensure victims receive assistance and provide an acknowledgment number for their records. ACP B Ravinder Reddy, ACP Chandrakanth, Inspectors S. Ramesh, Ravi, Narendar Reddy, Shankar Reddy, Ajay, and Nagesh participated in the program.