A customer was allegedly beaten to death at Meridian Restaurant in Punjagutta, Hyderabad. The incident occurred after a fight over extra curd for biryani. The victim, Liyaqath, along with a couple of people, visited the restaurant and ordered biryani for dinner. They got into an argument with the waiter when they asked for extra curd. The situation escalated when the manager and other staff attacked Liyaqath, causing severe injuries.
Liyaqath’s friend, Saleem Khan, filed a complaint stating that they ordered two plates of biryani and requested extra curd. However, the waiter replied rudely and in a bad tone. The staff then started abusing and beating them when Liyaqath confronted them. They were taken to the police station from the hotel where Liyaqath was allegedly beaten again by a police officer. He was later transferred to a nearby private hospital but was declared dead on arrival.
A murder case has been registered against five persons employed with the restaurant. The police have also shut down the restaurant to maintain law and order. AIMIM MLC Mirza RahmatBaig has demanded stern action against the restaurant’s management and staff. Family members of the victim raised concerns about the police response, stating that they were not prompt in facilitating Liyaqath’s admission to the hospital and misbehaved during the critical moments.