Hyundai Motor India Limited recently delivered six Alcazar cars to the CRPF (Central Reserve Police Force) in Secunderabad. The delivery ceremony was held on Thursday and was attended by CRPF delegates including Shri Anil Minz, Deputy Inspector General of Police, GC CRPF Ranga Reddy, Shri Utpalmani Baishya, Commandant, Shri Sarwar’s Hussain, Deputy Commandant, Kishor Rao, Assistant Commandant, Motor Transport Officer Rakesh Kumar, Assistant Commandant Umaskandan.
The event also saw the participation of Hyundai dealers Kritarth Pattnaik, COO of Fusion Hyundai, Mr. Ratna Prabhu Vallurupalli, Director of Fusion Hyundai, and Atul Sharma, AGM Sales of Fusion Hyundai. Officials from Hyundai Motor India Limited, including Regional Manager – AP&TS Mr. Ram Kumar G and Institutional Sales Manager Mr. Jale Srinivas were also present.
For more information and photos of the event, you can visit the CRPF police Secunderabad receives 6 Alcazar cars from Hyundai: Photo Gallery.