Hyderabad: The number of crimes in Rachakonda Commissionerate has increased, according to Rachakonda Police Commissioner Sudheer Babu. He presented the crime report for the year 2023 to the media on Wednesday. Compared to last year, there has been a 6.8% increase in the number of crimes. Last year, 27,664 cases were registered, while this year, 29,166 cases were registered.
Cyber crime cases have increased by 25%, while cases of chain snatching, rape, and general theft have reduced. On the other hand, cases of sexual assault, murder, and kidnapping of children have increased. In the drug case, PD Act has been registered against 12 people and 698 people have been arrested in 282 drug cases.
Crimes against women have decreased by 6.65%. In 58 cases of human trafficking, 163 people have been arrested and PD Act has been filed against six people. Under the Gaming Act, 188 cases have been registered and 972 people have been arrested. Punishments have been finalized in 5,241 cases of crimes during the year, with a conviction rate increase of 62%. In 20 cases, the accused were given life imprisonment.
In cyber crimes, 42 interstate and foreign accused have been arrested. A total of 89.92 lakh rupees in the bank accounts of the accused has been frozen and given to the victims. Operations Smile and Muskan have saved 64 and 136 children respectively. Additionally, 21 child marriages have been stopped and decoy operations have been conducted in metro trains.
Under the jurisdiction of the Commissionerate, 16,594 cases have been registered and 2,900 driving licenses have been cancelled. Unfortunately, road accidents have increased this year with 3,321 accidents resulting in 633 deaths and 3,205 injuries. Road accident deaths have increased by 16% compared to last year.
The Anti-Human Trafficking Unit has arrested 153 accused in 56 cases this year and 71 victims have been freed. CP Sudheer Babu also mentioned that out of 8,758 social media complaints received, 4,643 have been resolved.