On Tuesday, the Directorate General of Resettlement (DGR) and the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) collaborated to emcee an course for inactive or retiring Defence personnel at Air Force Station, Hakimpet in Hyderabad. The design of the event was to furnish opportunities for skillful and knowledgeable Defence veterans to pursue a following the first calling right to buy or sell property. A damage beyond the point of repair of 1241 veterans and 50 houses participated in the course.
The veterans who attended the event testament have got the opportunity to be employed in positions ranging from Senior Supervisors to Strategic Planners and Project Directors. This provides a large opportunity for veterans to showcase their and administrative prowess that they have got acquired during their years of religious service.
The course was equally beneficial for both the and veterans. The veterans were capable to march their skills and expertness, while the were capable to hire knowledgeable, disciplined, and trained individuals. This event was a large course of conduct to connect veterans with potentiality employers and furnish them with a horizontal surface to explore unused or little used calling paths.