Peddapalli District Collector Muzammil Khan and counting observer Rajesh Singh Rana conducted a preparatory session at JNTU Engg College in Ramagiri. They emphasized the need for a peaceful vote counting process for the upcoming Assembly elections. The counting for Peddapalli, Manthani, and Ramagundam Assembly constituencies will start at 8 am on December 3 at the college.
Khan explained the setup for each assembly constituency, with 14 counting tables and one dedicated to postal ballot counting. Each table will have a team consisting of a counting supervisor, counting assistant, and micro observer. There will also be three reserve teams and three postal ballot counting teams on standby for each constituency.
Khan stressed the importance of following rules and procedures. After the counting of control unit votes, the counting of VVPATs will take place. He also reminded officers and staff to adhere to Election Commission guidelines, maintain a calm atmosphere, and avoid confusion. Mobile phones will not be allowed in the counting center.
Rajesh Singh Rana, the counting observer for Ramagundam Assembly Constituency, urged immediate reporting of any errors in the control unit during the counting process.
The briefing was attended by various officials, including Additional Collector of Local Bodies, Returning Officers, Counting Officers, and Revenue Officers.