There is speculation about whether the BRS and BJP will have any kind of understanding or alliance during the Lok Sabha elections. Some political leaders believe that if the Congress wants to be stopped in Telangana, the BRS and BJP will need to work together. BRS chief K Chandrasekhar Rao’s statement about coming with double speed is seen as significant in this context.
BRS leaders have said that KCR is discussing the political benefits of being friendly with the BJP with select party members. Surveys predict that the Congress may win 9 out of 17 Lok Sabha seats, while the BRS and BJP may win 3 or 4 seats each, and one seat may go to the AIMIM. This raises the possibility of members from the BRS migrating to the Congress.
The BJP, on the other hand, wants to build on its gains in the recent Assembly elections where it won 8 seats. They now aim to win 6 Lok Sabha seats. However, there have been no discussions between the two parties yet. The BRS is only considering the possibility and waiting to see how far the BJP is willing to go with them.
So far, the BJP has been targeting the Congress government and even skipped a visit to a project where irregularities were alleged.