In Gadwal, Kodandapur SI Swathi expressed condolences to the family of a head constable who passed away due to illness. The head constable, Chenna keshavudu, was working at Kodanda pur Police Station in Jogulamba Gadwal District. He died on Friday after being ill for a few days and receiving treatment at a hospital in Hyderabad.
On the orders of district SP Riti raj IPS, SI Swathi paid tribute to the family at Lingan wai village. She also conducted the last rites for the head constable with her own hands. Additionally, a cash amount of Rs 20,000 was handed over to the family for funeral expenses.
SI Swathi consoled the head constable’s wife, Chennamma, and assured her of support in every way possible. District police personnel and others were also present at the program to offer their condolences and support.