A protest was held in Gadwal by AICC secretary and former legislator Dr SA Sampath Kumar, along with party cadres and farmers. They were demanding the release of water from the RDS canal. The farmers who depend on the canal for their crops, such as cotton, paddy, maize, and chilli, are suffering due to the lack of rain. They are upset that the government did not make arrangements for water release from the RDS canal to the Water Board, which could lead to significant losses for them. Sampath Kumar criticized the ruling MLA and MLC for not paying attention to the farmers’ pleas and instead engaging in accusations against each other. He also mentioned that the Tummilla reservoir, which was planned during the Congress regime, has not been completed, resulting in water being diverted to other reservoirs instead of reaching the RDS canal. If the water is not released within a few days, they will launch an agitation against the negligence of the state government. The protest saw the participation of many Congress party leaders and farmers from Vaddepalli, Shanti Nagar, and Alampur constituency.
Congress stages protest in Gadwal against release of RDS water
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