The AICC, which did well in the Karnataka elections, is now focusing on Telangana. The former president of the AICC, Sonia Gandhi, is planning to visit Hyderabad on June 2 to meet with the families of martyrs who lost their lives in the agitation for a separate Telangana. This visit will coincide with the start of the 21-day grand formation day celebrations planned by the state government.
The TPCC president, A Revanth Reddy, has requested that Rahul Gandhi also visit Hyderabad with Sonia Gandhi. He says that the TPCC is planning parallel formation day celebrations. This visit could help the party take up aggressive campaigns ahead of others.
The people of Telangana are aware of the sacrifices made by the Congress for the Telangana statehood and are unhappy with the nine-year rule of the pink party. They have high regard for Sonia Gandhi. There is also a possibility that Priyanka Gandhi may visit the city during the formation day celebrations.
The TPCC plans to invite all the families of the Telangana martyrs and felicitate them on the occasion of the 10th state formation day celebrations. A member of the Gandhi family will be present to felicitate them. The TPCC will also organise a series of formation day programmes in the districts.