Malkajgiri MLA, Mynampally Hanumantha Rao, who is running as a Congress candidate, held a meeting with members of the RK Nagar Welfare Association in Malkajgiri Division. During the meeting, he urged everyone present to vote for the Congress party.
The event was attended by various individuals, including Corporator Prem Kumar, GNV Satish Kumar, Pitla Srinivas, Venkatesh Yadav, GD Sampath Goud, as well as members of the association such as Somesekhar, Ravi Kiran, Sanjay, Siva, and Sirigiri Raju.
Mynampally Hanumantha Rao is contesting from Malkajgiri on behalf of the Congress party. Additionally, his son Rohit is campaigning vigorously for the Medak assembly constituency.
For more details and photos of the meeting, you can visit the link: [Mynampally Hanumantha Rao meets RK Nagar Welfare Association, asks to support Congress](
Congress seeks support from RK Nagar Welfare Association, Mynampally Hanumantha Rao holds meeting
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