In Hyderabad, internal issues arose in the Congress party after BRS MLA Sanjay Kumar from Jagtial joined the ruling party. MLC T Jeevan Reddy, who was in charge of the Jagtial Assembly constituency for the party, was upset that the MLA joined without his approval. Jeevan Reddy even threatened to leave the party and his MLC post.
The party leadership quickly sent State IT and Industry minister D Sridhar Babu to speak with Jeevan Reddy and try to resolve the situation. Despite this effort, Jeevan Reddy held a meeting with his supporters and decided to leave the party. Once news spread that he intended to quit, the State party leadership took action to minimize the fallout.
Jeevan Reddy had previously lost to Sanjay Kumar in the 2018 and 2023 assembly elections, as well as in the recent Lok Sabha elections in Nizamabad. He also faced criticism for allegedly supporting a BJP candidate in the 2019 Lok Sabha elections. It seems Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy wants to strengthen the party in Jagtial by bringing in the BRS MLA and possibly replacing Jeevan Reddy with new leadership.