BRS working president KT Rama Rao criticized the Congress for filing a complaint with the Election Commission of India (ECI) to stop the distribution of Rythu Bandhu amount. He spoke at road shows in Peddapalli, Dharmapuri, Huzurabad, and Mulugu constituencies. KTR accused the Congress of working against the farmers’ interests for the sake of votes. He mentioned that the EC initially allowed the distribution of Rythu Bandhu amount, but revoked it after the Congress complained. KTR also stated that the Congress ensured the farmers did not receive the Rythu Bandhu amount even before coming to power.
KTR warned that if people vote for Congress, they will eliminate the Rythu Bandhu scheme entirely. He expressed his disappointment by saying that the Congress took away the farmers’ benefits before they could receive them. However, he assured the farmers not to worry as BRS will come back to power and prioritize the distribution of the Rythu Bandhu amount.
KTR criticized the Congress for their anti-farmer policies. He mentioned how Revanth Reddy promised three-hour power supply for farmers, Uttam Kumar Reddy called Rythu Bandhu a wasteful program, and Batti Vikramarka claimed that Dharani would be replaced by the Patwari system. KTR ridiculed these statements and questioned the Congress leaders’ stance on supporting farmers.
Comparing BRS and Congress, KTR asked the audience to choose between current and Congress, Rythu Bandhu or Rabandu (vultures), schemes or scams. He mentioned that even farmers from Karnataka regretted electing Congress and worsening their situation. KTR also highlighted the visits of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Amit Shah, Union Ministers, CMs from different states, Rahul Gandhi from Delhi, and DK Shiva Kumar from Karnataka to suppress KCR’s voice. However, he assured that KCR would fight alone like a lion.
KTR brought up the example of PM Modi, who opposed the increase in gas cylinder prices when in opposition but raised it by Rs 800 after becoming PM. He mentioned that CM KCR would bear the Rs 800 and provide the gas cylinder to the people in Telangana for Rs 400.