The Congress party in Hyderabad has challenged Minister K T Rama Rao’s statement regarding the alleged suicide of Marri Pravallika. They dispute his claim that she took her own life due to a strained relationship with a boy. The party has criticized the government and the police for concluding that her death was not related to the cancellation of the TSPSC Group-II exam. Congress leaders have presented evidence, including Pravallika’s exam application and hall ticket, to question the government’s investigation. They believe KTR is trying to hinder the investigation by spreading false information. The leaders argue that without a proper investigation, it is unfair for the government to assume that she committed suicide because of personal reasons. They accuse the Kalvakuntla family of disregarding the pain of women. Some leaders who visited Pravallika’s residence claim that the common people in Telangana are also facing difficulties under the government, as it has failed to conduct competitive exams fairly.
Congress raises doubts about KTR’s account of Pravallika’s death
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