In New Delhi, there was a silent protest at Jantar Mantar on Sunday. The Congress party leaders and workers staged a silent protest called Maun Satyagraha to protest against the violence in Manipur and the disqualification of Rahul Gandhi. The protest was organized by Delhi Congress President Anil Chaudhary, who said that the purpose of the protest was to highlight the issues affecting the common people.
Chaudhary stated that Rahul Gandhi won’t be afraid even if you take away his Lok Sabha membership and his house. He also mentioned that there have been attacks on the Constitution, and the Congress will continue to raise the issues of unemployment and inflation both inside and outside Parliament. Chaudhary demanded that the central government must respond to the questions being raised on these issues.
Chaudhary criticized the BJP for comparing the situation in strife-torn Manipur with Rajasthan, where the Congress is in power. He said that the BJP should be ashamed of itself. Since the ethnic violence broke out in Manipur on May 3, many people have lost their lives and several others have been injured.