Celebrations erupted in Warangal district as two women leaders, Konda Surekha and Danasari Anasuya, also known as Seethakka, were appointed to the Telangana State Cabinet. The Congress party members, led by TPCC secretary Meesala Prakash, distributed sweets to the people to mark Konda Surekha’s induction into the Council of Ministers. The followers of Konda Surekha and her husband Muralidhar Rao celebrated by lighting firecrackers. Meesala Prakash expressed confidence in Minister for Women and Child Welfare Surekha’s ability to address the needs of the underdeveloped Warangal East constituency. In Mulugu, the Congress members were overjoyed with the success of their leader Seethakka.
Meanwhile, the Padmashali Employee Association State president Eaga Venkateshwarlu, general secretary Teeramdas Yadagiri, Warangal district president Kodam Ravi Prakash, and general secretary Margam Dharmadev congratulated Konda Surekha and Seethakka. They also appealed to the ministers to address various pending issues for employees, including PRC and DA.