The Congress party in Telangana is taking its time to select candidates for the upcoming Assembly elections. The Telangana Screening Committee, led by TPCC president A Revanth Reddy, has held discussions in New Delhi and has reached a consensus on about 60% of the candidates. However, the state leadership has requested the high command to delay the announcement to avoid rebel threats and potential obstacles. Some senior leaders and ticket aspirants have also urged the committee to prioritize long-time party members over recent joiners.
There are several contenders for different constituencies. G Chinna Reddy and Sivasena Reddy are seeking tickets from Wanaparthy, while Ponnala Laxmaiah and Kommuri Pratap Reddy are vying for the Janagaon ticket. Madhu Yaskhi Goud and Malreddy Ranga Reddy are competing for the LB Nagar seat. P Vishnuvardhan Reddy and Mohd Azharuddin are the main contenders for Jubilee Hills, and P Vijaya Reddy, Rohin Reddy, and Vinod Reddy are lobbying for the Khairatabad ticket.
The state leadership is cautious about making hasty decisions due to some aspirants being willing to spend large sums of money on their campaigns. They believe that talking to candidates who may not receive tickets, finding alternative solutions, and gaining their support before announcing the final list would be beneficial. Therefore, the AICC has decided to postpone the announcement until the end of October.