The Congress cadres of Wardhannapet Assembly constituency in Warangal met at the Congress Bhavan in Hanumakonda. They were preparing for the upcoming Vijaya Bheri public meeting at Tukkuguda on September 17, which is part of Telangana Liberation Day. Ravindra Uttamrao Dalvi, the Warangal Parliament segment in-charge, addressed the cadres and urged them to get ready for the public meeting of Sonia Gandhi. This meeting is seen as a starting point for the Congress’ election campaign. Dalvi asked the cadres to gather a large crowd for the meeting.
Many prominent Congress leaders were present at the meeting including TPCC vice-president B Shobha Rani, Hanumakonda DCC president Naini Rajender Reddy, Warangal DCC chief Errabelli Swarna, and others.