Congress Warangal West candidate Naini Rajender Reddy spoke to media persons in Hanumakonda on Tuesday. He expressed his belief that on December 3, the day of the Assembly polls counting, everyone will feel relieved. Naini stated that if elected, Congress would put an end to the autocratic rule of the BRS and ensure that there is no land grabbing, settlements, or rowdyism in the city.
Naini questioned how KCR could seek a mandate without fulfilling his promises made for the development of Warangal ten years ago. He criticized KCR for making fresh promises and then ignoring them after the elections. Naini highlighted that the Warangal Master Plan has been neglected by the Chief Minister’s Office for years. He also pointed out the lack of progress in the construction of the ring road and the failure to provide double bedroom houses for slum-dwellers since 2015.
Naini accused sitting MLA D Vinay Bhaskar and his followers of encroaching government and private land and terrorizing people in the name of settlements. He alleged that contractors have stopped development works in Warangal due to harassment from BRS leaders for commissions.
Naini emphasized the importance of intellectuals in the city raising awareness among the people about the failures of the BRS government. The event was attended by leaders from the Legal Cell, including T Jaganmohan Reddy and N Mahatma.