Madhya Pradesh Congress state spokesperson Santosh Singh Gautam criticized the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Sunday for filing a complaint against Priyanka Gandhi Vadra and other prominent party leaders. The complaint was based on allegations of corruption in the MP government. Gautam called this action “deplorable, base-level, and oppressive.”
Gautam explained that the BJP’s reaction came after the revelation of the MP government’s involvement in a 50 percent commission scheme. They quickly filed a police report against key Congress figures last night, showing their anger in a reprehensible and oppressive manner.
Nimesh Pathak, the convener of BJP’s legal cell, filed the complaint against Priyanka Gandhi, MP Congress chief Kamal Nath, and former union minister Arun Yadav. The complaint was in response to their social media posts accusing the BJP-led MP government of corruption.
On Friday, Priyanka Gandhi shared a report stating that contractors in Madhya Pradesh claimed they were forced to pay a 50% commission before receiving their payments. In her post, she stated that the people of Madhya Pradesh will remove the BJP government that demands a 50% commission, just as the people of Karnataka removed a government demanding a 40% commission.
The BJP responded by disputing the allegations made by the Congress leaders, calling them unfounded. State BJP president VD Sharma, in a press conference, said that the Congress leaders circulated a fabricated letter under the guise of a non-existent organization. He claimed that the contractor’s details were fraudulent.
Sharma also mentioned that the BJP will take action against this cybercrime and demand answers from Gandhi about the origin of the letter.