The State government in Hyderabad launched a farm loan waiver on Thursday evening, causing Congress party workers to celebrate across the State. Following instructions from party leaders, top officials and party members participated in festivities. They carried cutouts of Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy, waved party flags, held rallies, and performed ‘palabhishekam’ ceremonies while dancing and celebrating with drumbeats and crackers in different districts and the State capital.
At Gandhi Bhavan, the party’s State headquarters, celebrations began at 4 pm with the sounds of crackers and slogans from excited party leaders. Pradesh Congress Committee spokesperson and key leaders like AICC (Telangana) in-charge Deepa Dasmunshi, PCC Campaign Committee chairman Madhu Yashki Goud, Telangana State Fisheries Corporation chairman Mettu Sai Kumar, Khairatabad DCC president C Rohin Reddy, and others joined in the festivities. Sweets were distributed amidst the lively atmosphere.
Earlier in the day, former Minister A Indrakaran Reddy highlighted the promise made by Rahul Gandhi in Warangal and praised the Congress party for fulfilling its commitment to the farming community. Chairman of Sports Authority of Telangana Shivasena Reddy compared Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy’s decision to waive loans to the bold decisions made by former CM YSR. He commended the Congress for standing by its promises and overcoming challenges to make historic decisions. The Rs 31,000 crore loan waiver will be remembered as a significant move by the Telangana government.