The Hanumakonda DCC president, Naini Rajender Reddy, and the Warangal Parliament in-charge, Ravindra Uttamrao Dalvi, led the Sankalp Yatra in Hanumakonda on Monday. During the yatra, Naini Rajender Reddy criticized MLA D Vinay Bhaskar for the lack of development in the constituency. He mentioned that despite various development schemes like Smart Cities Mission, HRIDAY, and AMRUT, the city of Warangal has not seen much progress. Naini also highlighted the poor condition of internal roads and drains, which often get waterlogged even with minimal rainfall. He also expressed concern about the delay in distributing double bedroom houses to the poor.
Naini Rajender Reddy questioned Vinay Bhaskar’s inability to fulfill his promises of a junior college and bus station in Kazipet, despite being in power for the past nine years. He accused the MLA and his followers of being more focused on land grabbing and settlements.
Ravindra Uttamrao Dalvi, the Warangal Parliament in-charge, criticized the BJP-led Central Government for the rising unemployment rate and crime against women. He also mentioned the constant increase in diesel and petrol prices, which has led to a rise in essential commodity prices, making life difficult for the common man. Dalvi also criticized KCR for not fulfilling his promise to develop Warangal on par with Washington.
The Sankalp Yatra was attended by several senior leaders, including E V Srinivas Rao, B Srinivas Rao, Kuchana Ravali, Thota Venkateshwarlu, Pothula Srman, Rahimunnisa Begum, and Vallapu Ramesh.