The Congress party in Hyderabad has criticized the BJP government for choosing to observe June 25 as Samvidhan Hathya Divas to mark the imposition of Emergency. They believe that the Modi government is diverting attention from its failures by bringing up the issue of Emergency.
Speaking to the media, TPCC senior vice president Niranjan stated that mentioning the Emergency after 50 years shows the BJP’s fear of the Congress party. He pointed out that despite not winning a majority in the Lok Sabha elections, Modi secured a third term with the support of various parties he had previously criticized.
Niranjan highlighted that Indira Gandhi and the Congress party lost in the elections following the Emergency, but were able to make a comeback in 1980. He argued that the people’s decision to vote for Indira Gandhi showed their forgiveness for what happened during the Emergency period, and he believes that the BJP’s attempts to discredit the Congress will not be successful in the upcoming elections.