Rangareddy is gearing up for two upcoming elections – the Mahabubnagar MLC by-poll and the Chevella Lok Sabha. While the BJP has already announced K Vishveshwar Reddy as its candidate for Chevella, other parties like Congress and BRS are still keeping their candidates under wraps.
The Congress is said to have chosen Sunitha Mahendar Reddy as their potential candidate for Chevella, but they have not officially revealed this information yet. The party is waiting to see what BRS will do before making their final decision.
On the other hand, BRS is struggling to find the right candidate for Chevella after losing support in the recent State Assembly elections. Many senior BRS leaders have joined Congress, leaving the party in a difficult position.
There is uncertainty within BRS about whether to field sitting MP Ranjith Reddy again or choose someone new like Karthik Reddy, the son of former education minister P Sabitha Indra Reddy. The party is facing a tough decision.
Sources suggest that Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy may announce the candidate for Chevella during his visit to Mahbubnagar on March 6. He is expected to make the announcement after attending an event at Mir Alam Lake in Rajendra Nagar.