District Collector VP Gautham visited Khammam on Wednesday to inspect the construction progress of double bedroom houses. He urged officials to speed up the construction and ensure that the houses are provided to the beneficiaries as soon as possible. The inspection took place at Allipuram and YSR Nagar, where 192 houses in 8 blocks and 96 houses in 4 blocks, respectively, are being constructed using the G Plus 2 method. Plastering is complete and painting work is in progress in Allipuram, while construction is ongoing in YSR Nagar. The Collector emphasized the need for immediate provision of door shutters, windows, and sanitary facilities. He also called for the prompt completion of septic tanks, internal CC roads, and drainage works. The officials were instructed to inspect the construction daily and provide regular updates on the progress. The deadline for completion at both locations is set for September 15. District Education Officer Somasekhara Sharma, R&B EE Shyam Prasad, DE Chandrasekhar, Double Bedroom DET. Krishna Reddy, Khammam Urban Tehsildar CH. Swami, and other officers were present during the inspection.
Completion of 2BHK works in Khammam scheduled for September 15
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