During his tour of the United States, Industries Minister KT Rama Rao promoted Telangana as an investment-friendly state and ideal location for companies. He met with several companies including Mondee Holdings, Storable, Rite Software, The Charles Schwab Corporation, Rave Gears, and Tekgence.
Mondee Holdings announced plans to establish a Technology Centre of Excellence in Telangana, which will create jobs for about 2,000 people. Storable recently established its first Global Development Centre in Hyderabad and plans to hire 100 software developers initially. Rite Software invited the Minister to inaugurate their new Development Centre in Hyderabad, which will provide employment opportunities for over 500 people this year. The Charles Schwab Corporation explored potential collaboration opportunities and Rave Gears expressed interest in establishing a manufacturing plant in Telangana.
Tekgence, a global supply chain and digital solutions company, expressed interest in setting up an Advanced Technology Center on Product Development and Design Thinking in Hyderabad. The proposed new center will boost Tekgence’s operations and play a crucial part in its growth.
These collaborations will boost Telangana’s economy and create job opportunities for locals.