Former Lions Club Governor Radhakrishna and his wife were honored by the President and members of the Srisaila Mallikarjuna Annasatra Committee in Nagarkurnool. They were recognized for their contributions to the construction of the Satram.
During the celebration of the Satram’s first anniversary, Radhakrishna expressed his gratitude to the committee members for their support. He also commended the president and other members for their hard work in building the Satram. Radhakrishna himself had donated a room towards the construction of the inn.
The event was attended by various dignitaries including district Arya Vaishya Sangam presidents Ramakrishna, Chidambara, Pola Vishnu, Korivi Shekhar, and Mididoddi Shekhar. The President of the inn, Shyam Sundar, also took part in the program.