The process of reshuffling the top police officials in Telangana has started. The government has appointed Kothakota Srinivas Reddy as the Commissioner of Police in Hyderabad. Reddy is a 994 batch officer and will take over from Sandeep Shandilya, who has been appointed as the Director of TS NAB.
Avinash Mohanty, a 2005 batch officer, has been posted as the Commissioner of Police in Cyberabad. He is currently serving as Joint CP Admin at Cyberabad and will replace M Stephen Raveendra.
G Sudheer Babu, a 2001 batch officer who is currently serving as Additional CP Traffic in Hyderabad, will become the Commissioner of Police in Rachakonda, replacing DS Chauhan. Chauhan and Stephen Raveendra have been directed to report to the DGP office.