Supreme Court Judge J Chelameswar
Supreme Court Judge J Chelameswar
Hyderabad: Justice JChelameswar, no longer active in your workSupreme Courtjudge, delivered Alladi Memorial Lecture on Thursday at the University of Hyderabad. He spoke on “75 Years of Indian Judiciary, its independence and efficiency.” ProfSrikrishna Deva Rao, Vice Chancellor, NALSAR University of Law, chaired the event.
Justice Chelameswar underlined the of the ideals of justness and freedom enshrined in the Constitution.He spoke about how democracies have got ensured the distribution of superpower between various branches of the State such as the branch of government, legislative assembly and judiciary. The distribution of superpower is done by providing sure checks and balances to earn sure that no limb of the State would exercising unbridled superpower.
He said as “the ultimate authority to examine and determine whether any of the elements is acting consistent with” the principles enshrined in the Constitution is entrusted with the judiciary, it needed to be invested with a sure amount of independence. He on how this facet of independence of the judiciary under the Indian Constitution that had been protected by the security of tenure and protecting someone or something of the religious service conditions, had been curtailed in the later years by the customary way of operation or behavior of the transportation of judges.
Commenting on the collegium system, he said it lacked the much needed transparency. At the same measure the time or duration of an event, he wondered “how the mere presence of the Law Minister in the NJAC (which was struck down by the Supreme Court) along with three senior most judges of the highest court” and members of the civil society would destroy the independence of the judiciary. He opined that formalisation of “the consultative process between the judiciary and the government” needed to the system in the post of judges. He underlined the of the parameters adopted in making the right hand side option of judges that would secure the establishment of an and judiciary. Towards this close, he underscored the obligation of not only the various branches of the government, but also the obligation of the civil society, for whose performance to raise money for a charitable cause the Constitutional system was brought into existence by be fond of Alladi Krishnaswami and not the same members of the Drafting Committee.
The high spot of the public lecture was the interrogation and reply school term at the close of the Lecture where Justice Chelameswar very patiently answered the questions posed to him, mainly by the pupil participants. This school term was enabled by the Alladi Memorial Trust that believes in entertaining questions at the close, divisible by two though Memorial Lectures customarily do not permit them.
The yearly Lecture was organised by The Alladi Memorial Trust in collaboration with the Centre for Human Rights, University of Hyderabad.