On the second day of the Swachhata-Pachchadana program, Nagar Kurnool District Collector Badavath Santosh, along with municipal officials, inspected local drinking water sources for cleanliness, chlorination, and testing activities on Tuesday.
The Collector instructed officials to ensure that clean Mission Bhagiratha drinking water reaches every household in the town. As part of the program, the Collector and municipal officials inspected the water tank in the 25th Ward Market Yard of Nagar Kurnool town. The Collector checked the chlorination levels and purity of the water by climbing the tank. He asked how often the tank is cleaned and stressed the importance of maintaining leak-free pipelines. He directed immediate repairs for any leakage complaints and suggested regulating daily water release.
Later, the Collector visited the Cooperative Bank to review the farm loan waiver process. He urged bank officials to promptly release waiver funds to eligible farmers without any delays. He inquired about the number of beneficiaries who have received loan waivers so far and the number of pending cases.
Municipal Commissioner Naresh Babu, Cooperative Chairman Bandaru Srinivasa Reddy, Secretary Srinivasulu, and others accompanied the Collector during the inspections.