In New Delhi, Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy met with Union Minister for Road Transport and National Highways Nitin Gadkari to discuss improving connectivity between Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. Revanth requested that the Hyderabad-Vijayawada National Highway (NH-65) be expanded to six lanes to address the increasing road accidents and traffic congestion on the busy highway.
Revanth expressed concern over the delay in completing the six-lane project, which was supposed to be finished by April 2024. He emphasized the need for immediate action due to the high volume of vehicles traveling between the two state capitals each day.
The Chief Minister also raised the issue of the southern part of the Regional Ring Road (RRR) potentially being designated as a National Highway. He urged Gadkari to allocate funds for this project in the NHAI Annual Plan and ensure that work begins promptly.
Additionally, Revanth advocated for the declaration of the Kalwakurthy to Kolhapur-Somasila-Karivena-Nandyal (NH-167K) road as a national highway. He highlighted that tenders had been issued for part of the project but called for immediate action on the remaining sections to reduce the distance between Hyderabad and Tirupati.
Furthermore, the need for a national highway to Manthani was discussed, with IT Minister D Sridhar Babu highlighting that land acquisition had been completed for the Hyderabad-Manneguda four-lane national highway (NH-163). Despite tenders being issued, work had not started due to a pending case before the NGT.