Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy said he will not back down from threats by the Union government. He received notices from Delhi police about sharing a “fake video” of Union Home Minister Amit Shah. Reddy believes this is an attempt to intimidate opposition leaders fighting against the BJP’s control.
During a public meeting in Karnataka, Reddy mentioned receiving notices for questioning the BJP on social media about reservation issues. He accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of using central agencies to weaken opposition in non-BJP states. Reddy criticized Modi for allowing Delhi Police, under the Union Home Ministry, to target him.
Reddy continued to criticize the BJP, claiming they aim to win over 400 seats to eliminate the reservation system. He warned that SCs, STs, and BCs could lose their right to reservation for education and jobs if the BJP wins again. Additionally, Reddy condemned Modi for not providing financial aid to Karnataka during natural disasters.
Reddy urged the people to support Congress in order to protect Karnataka from injustices caused by the BJP during times of crisis.